International Lecturing
- Tutorial on Modelling and Reasoning About Cooperation at the University of Toulouse/IRIT, by N. Bulling (July 2015, Toulouse, France)
- Multi-Agent Decision Making and Cooperation at at the 17th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS’15), by N. Bulling (July 2015, Barcelona, Spain)
- Reasoning About Cooperation at at the 15th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS’13), by N. Bulling and Paolo Turrini (July 2013, London, UK)
- EASSS 2012, T4 Introduction to the modelling and verification of, and reasoning about multi-agent systems
- Logics and Multi-Agent Programming Languages at the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’12) in Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Together with Natasha Alechina, Mehdi Dastani and Brian Logan.
- ESSLLI 2011, 23rd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Course "Decision Problems and Decision Procedures for Strategic Logics" by N. Bulling and W. Jamroga.
- EASSS 2010, 12th European Agent Systems Summer School, St. Etienne, France. Course "Model Checking Temporal and Strategic Logics" by N. Bulling (lecturer) and J. Dix.
- EASSS 2009, 11th European Agent Systems Summer School, Torino, ltaly. Course "Coalitional Games" by W. Jamroga and S. Airiau.
- EASSS 2008, 10th European Agent Systems Summer School, Lisbon, Portugal. Course "What Coalitions Can Achieve" by J. Dix and W. Jamroga.
- ESSLLI 2008, 20th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Hamburg, Germany. "Modal Logics for Games and Multi-Agent Systems" by T. Agotnes and W. Jamroga (Slides)
- Invited course "Decision Making in Multiagent Systems" by J. Dix in Paris, France.
- EASSS 2007, 9th European Agent Systems Summer School, Durham, Great Britain. Course "Modal Logic for Multi-Agent Systems" by J. Dix and W. Jamroga.
- ESSLLI 2007, 19th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Dublin, Ireland. Advanced Course "Modeling the Dynamics of Knowledge Two Traditions: Logic Programming vs. Modal Logic" by J. Dix and W. Jamroga
- EASSS 2006, 8th European Agent Systems Summer School, Annecy, France. Course "Modal Logics for Multiagent Systems" by J. Dix and W. Jamroga.
- ESSLLI 2006, European School on Logic, Language and Information 2006, Malaga, Spain. Introductory Course "Modal Logics for Multiagent Systems" by W. Jamroga.
- NICTA 2003, National ICT Australia, Sydney, Australia. Lecture course "Combining Agents, Answer Sets and Planning" by J. Dix.
- ESSLLI 2002, European School on Logic, Language and Information 2002, Trento, Italy. Introductory Course "Heterogeneous Agent Systems" by J. Dix and Th. Eiter.
- "Advanced Algorithms 2nd semester" by J. Dix, Manchester, Great Britain.
- "Multi-Agenten Systeme" by J. Dix, Vienna, Austria.
- "General Multi-Agent Systems" by J. Dix Bahia Blanca, Argentina.
- "Heterogenous Active Agents" by J.Dix Ushuaia, Argentina.
- "Algorithms and Complexity" by J. Dix at the University of Maryland, USA.
- "Knowledge Representation in NMR and LP" by J. Dix in Bahia Blanca, Argentina.
- "Computational Logic und Wissensrepräsentation by J. Dix, Vienna, Austria.
- ECAI 2006, International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Budapest, Hungary. Tutorial "Knowledge Representation with Logic Programming using Negation, Preferences, Disjunction" by J. Dix and G. Brewka.