

event {at} in {dot} tu {minus} clausthal {dot} de is a distribution list run by Computational Intelligence Group of Department of Informatics, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany.

We run this list for the convenience of the scientific community with a focus on logic, formal methods and agent/multi-agent systems.


In early 2005 we created the first Event@CIG list in order to distribute our announcements for conferences and workshops organized by members of our Computational Intelligence Group.

As many other members of scientific community, also senior members of our group collected large databases of e-mail addresses during their scientific career for distribution of announcements and calls for papers. We collected these addresses and created one large database containing several thousands addresses.

The distribution list in this form worked quite well for several months, as most members of research community are quite used to receive various CfPs and similar announcements. We were approached by many people who liked the service and requested us to distribute their announcements. And as far as these were relevant for our research area, we redistributed them.

Already in the late summer 2005 the traffic via Event@CIG list became so high, that first, it was more and more difficult to moderate the flood of announcements and second, we obviously started to generate high traffic and many people got annoyed. In the late 2005 we were already spending considerable time to

sort and handle requests, apologies and postings to Event@CIG list. We recognized that, although it was never meant to be so, the list became a public service.

Finally, when the amount of complaints reached several per day and writing apologies

to them became more of a pain, we decided to close the Event@CIG list down. On 22nd May 2006 we finished operations of the first version of the Event@CIG list.

Surprisingly, in the next weeks and months we received several dozens of request for re-opening the list. After a "careful" consideration we decided to re-open the list once again, this time with a different policy and rules. It is now also a strictly subscription list. We hope it will serve its purpose well...

Moderation policy

If you want to use our distribution list for announcing your event be aware of the moderation policy described below.

  1. Announcement types
    • call for papers (conference, workshop, competition, ...)
    • reminders of deadlines (changes, 2nd CfPs)
    • relevant open position announcements (PhD., post-doc positions, professorship)
  2. Relevant topics
    • computational logic
    • formal methods
    • general AI topics
    • agent and multi-agent systems
    • limited scope of semantic web topics
    • other (subject to moderator's subjective decision)
  3. Format
    • postings in English language only!
    • plain text format
    • no HTML!
    • no attachments!
    • clear selfcontained text (not a bunch of links only)
    • obey the traditional CfP format when possible (include title, time/space coordinates, deadlines/important dates, topics of interest, details about organizers like names and affiliations etc.)
  4. Rejection
    • we reserve a right to freely reject postings we consider not relevant to our list without providing a reason and further discussion

    Thanks a lot for your understanding,

    Posting / Management of your subscription

    Please refer to the administration page to subscribe or post to the list.