Prof. em. Dr. Jürgen Dix
I am (emeritus) Professor at the Computer Science Department of Clausthal University of Technology. I held my chair from 2004-2024 and retired in October 2024.
Since the late eighties, I have been working in symbolic/logic-based Artificial Intelligence.
I served as lead liason professor of the German National Merit Foundation (federführender Vertrauensdozent der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) from 2007-2024.
I am full member (ordentliches Mitglied in der Klasse für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften) of the Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft since 2017.
While I am still active in research (an ongoing project since more than 20 years is the Multi-Agent Programming Contest), I am not taking on any BSc/MSc or PhD students anymore: please refrain from contacting me in this matter.
Previously (1999-2003) I was Reader at the Computer Science Department of Victoria University in Manchester (UK), visiting Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Maryland (in 1999) and wissenschaftlicher Assistent (C1) at the Computer Science Department at the University of Koblenz-Landau (1993-2000).
I served as Head of Department of the Department of Computer Science (2005-2008), as Dean of the faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering (2008-2011 and 2014-2017) and as Vice-Dean (2001-2014 and 2017-2021).
I have co-authored four monographs, more than 10 chapters in books, more than 50 articles in international journals, and more than 70 conference/workshop papers.
I (co-) edited more than 20 books (LNCS/LNAI) and more than 15 special issues of international journals.
Please finde more detailed information about my publications below.
fileadmin/IFI-CI/documents/Research/publications_cidix.pdfAll publications (PDF)
Publications of my group (including BSc and MSc theses) until 2024 can be found here.
Edited BooksEditorship
Chapters in BooksChapters in Books and Workshop Papers
I (co-)organized in the past 30 years more than 50 conferences, workshops and Dagstuhl seminars on various topics in symbolic Artificial Intelligence.
Dagstuhl Seminar 19112
Engineering Reliable Multiagent Systems
( Mar 10 – Mar 15, 2019 )Dagstuhl Seminar 18171
Normative Multi-Agent Systems
( Apr 22 – Apr 27, 2018 )Dagstuhl Seminar 13231
Belief Change and Argumentation in Multi-Agent Scenarios
( Jun 02 – Jun 07, 2013 )Dagstuhl Seminar 12342
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems
( Aug 19 – Aug 24, 2012 )Dagstuhl Seminar 11101
Reasoning about Interaction: From Game Theory to Logic and Back
( Mar 06 – Mar 11, 2011 )Dagstuhl Seminar 08461
Planning in Multiagent Systems
( Nov 09 – Nov 14, 2008 )Dagstuhl Seminar 08361
Programming Multi-Agent Systems
( Aug 31 – Sep 05, 2008 )Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 08042
Theory and Practice of Argumentation Systems
( Jan 20 – Jan 23, 2008 )Dagstuhl Seminar 04171
Logic Based Information Agents
( Apr 18 – Apr 23, 2004 )Dagstuhl Seminar 02481
Programming Multi Agent Systems based on Logic
( Nov 24 – Nov 29, 2002 )Research Meeting 98411
JELIA '98: Journées Européens de la Logique Artificielle
( Oct 12 – Oct 15, 1998 )Research Meeting 97311
4th Int. Conference on Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR'97)
( Jul 28 – Jul 31, 1997 )Dagstuhl Seminar 9627
Disjunctive Logic Programming and Databases: Nonmonotonic Aspects
( Jul 01 – Jul 05, 1996 ) -
You can find my former PhD students here. Among them, I would like to emphasize my PhD student from Manchester, Yingqian Zhang who is now an associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology and two post-doctoral members of my group who did their habilitation under my supervision: Woijcech Jamroga, now Professor at the Polish Academy of Sciences and Nils Bulling now working at Avaloq.
nonmonotonic reasoning agent systems deductive databases logics for agency knowledge representation formal methods in AI -
Bachelor courses
Informatik III
Chomsky hierarchy, finite automata, push-down automata, Turing machines, (un-) decidability, P/NP, basics of complexity classes within PSPACE.
Logic and Verification
Sentential Logic, Linear-Time Properties, First Order Logic, Hoare Calculus, Prolog
Master courses
Complexity Theory
Chomsky Hierarchy revisited (Immerman-Scelepcsenyi, Chomsky-Schützenberger, Myhill-Nerode), Ehrenfeucht Hypothesis, Lindenmayer systems, Makanins result, PCP, Grzegorczyk-hierarchy, Hilberts problem theorem of Rice, degrees of unsolvability, complexity classes, speed-up-, union-, gap-theorem, Savitichs theorem, Hopcroft/Paul/Valiants theorem, polynomial hierarchy, EXPTIME/EXPSPACE, Presburger arithmetic, quantifier elimination, Fagins theorem.
Modal Logic
Modal Logic and relation to first-order logic, normal modal logics, sound/completeness, filtrations, public announcement logic, invariance results, bisimultaions (ultrafilter and saturations), van Benthems characterization theorem.
Game Theory
Complete Information Games, Repeated Games, Coalitional Game Theory, Social Choice and Auctions, Incomplete Information Games, Mechanism Design, Strategic Logics
MAS and Games
Foundations of MAS, Complete Information Games, Equilibria, BDI Framework, Coalitions, Social Choice, Ranking Systems
I am Associate Editor of
For IEEE I have organized the "AI's 10 to watch“ in 2020 and co-organized with Zhongfei Zhang in 2022 and 2024.I am (or have been) on the Editorial Boards of the following Journals.
- Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)
- International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (IJAOSE)
- Journal of Applied Logic (JAPL)
- Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems (KES)
- Journal of Algorithms in Cognition, Informatics and Logic (JACL).
I have also served as Editor of
- AI Communications: The European Journal of Artificial Intelligence (1995-2003)
- and the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) (2005-2008).
My DBLP entry Erdös number is 3
Habilitation in Information Systems, TU Vienna, 1996
Thesis: Disjunctive Deductive Databases: Theoretical Foundations and Implementation
Title: Univ.-Doz.PhD in Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe, 1992
Thesis: Nonmonotonic reasoning and semantics of logic programs
Title: Dr. rer. nat.
Grade: summa cum laudeDiploma in Mathematics, University of Heidelberg, 1986
Thesis: Model-theory of (ultra-) metric vector spaces
Title: Dipl.-Math.
Grade: sehr gutAbitur, Gutenberg-Gymnasium Wiesbaden, 1979
Grade: 1.0

Office: D5
Phone: +49 5323 72-7181
Fax: +49 5323 72-7189
E-Mail: dix [at]