PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Nils Bulling

In 2011 I was appointed Akademischer Rat (Assistant Professor) at Clausthal University of Technology. In 2010 I have finished my PhD (thesis: Modelling and Verifying Abilities of rational agents, grade: summa cum laude) and afterwards held a post-doc position for a few month also at Clausthal University of Technology.

I am member of the Computational Intelligence Group. Since 2008 I am chairman of the scientific employees and since 2009 I am assistant of the executive board of the Department of Informatics. I am also organizer of our group's oberseminar.

Please feel free to visit my personal homepage for additional information: Personal Homepage

Research interests

My research is centered around logics and formal methods for multi-agent systems.

  • (Modal) logics
  • Model checking and verification
  • Game theoretical concepts
  • Computational complexity
  • Security and reliability
  • Applications of formal methods
  • Resource-bounded systems


In the last years I have taught the following courses.

TU Clausthal
    • Verification of Concurrent Systems (WS 2012/13)
    • Informatics III - Automata Theory and Formal Languages (WS 2012/13)
    • Hauptseminar (MAS and AI) (WS 2012/13)
    • Proseminar (MAS and AI) (WS 2012/13)
    • Multi-Agent Systems II (SS 2012)
    • Introduction to the Modelling and Analysis of Security Protocols (WS 2011/12)
    • Complexity Theory (SS 2011)
    • Artificial Intelligence (SS 2011)
    • Seminar on AI (SS 2011)
    • Modal Logics (WS 2010/11)
    • Artificial Intelligence (SS 2010)
    • Multi-Agent Systems II (SS 2010)
    • Informatics III (WS 2009/10)
    • Artificial Intelligence (SS 2009)
    • Modal Logics (WS 2008/09)
    • Hauptseminar (WS 2008/09)
    • Proseminar (WS 2008/09)
    • Artificial Intelligence (SS 2008)
    • Seminars (Logics) (SS 2008)
    • Complexity Theory (WS 2007/08)
    • Artificial Intelligence (SS 2007)
    • Hauptseminar (Logics and AI) (SS 2007)
    • Proseminar (AI) (SS 2007)
    • Informatics III (WS 2006/07)
    • Artificial Intelligence (SS 2006)
    • Hauptseminar (AI) (SS 2006)
    • Proseminar (AI) (SS 2006)
      International Teaching
      • Introduction to the Modelling and Verification of, and Reasoning About Multi-Agent Systems at the 14th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS’12) in Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Together with Jürgen Dix.
      • Logics and Multi-Agent Programming Languages at the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’12) in Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Together with Natasha Alechina, Mehdi Dastani and Brian Logan.
      • Decision Problems and Decision Procedures for Strategic Logics at the 23rd European Summer School on Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI’11) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 2011. Together with Wojtek Jamroga.
      • Model Checking Temporal and Strategic Logics at the 12th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS’10) in St. Etienne, France, August 2010.


      PhD thesis

      You can find an electronic version of my PhD thesis "Modelling and Verifying Abilities of Rational Agents" here.

      Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dix

      PhD Committee: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dix, PD Dr. habil. Wojciech Jamroga, Prof. Dr. Sarit Kraus, Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller (chair)