PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Nils Bulling
In 2011 I was appointed Akademischer Rat (Assistant Professor) at Clausthal University of Technology. In 2010 I have finished my PhD (thesis: Modelling and Verifying Abilities of rational agents, grade: summa cum laude) and afterwards held a post-doc position for a few month also at Clausthal University of Technology.
I am member of the Computational Intelligence Group. Since 2008 I was chairman of the scientific employees and since 2009 I was assistant of the executive board of the Department of Informatics. I was also organizer of our group's oberseminar.
Please feel free to visit my personal homepage for additional information: Personal Homepage
Research interests
My research is centered around logics and formal methods for multi-agent systems.
- (Modal) logics
- Model checking and verification
- Game theoretical concepts
- Computational complexity
- Security and reliability
- Applications of formal methods
- Resource-bounded systems
In the last years I have taught the following courses.
TU Clausthal
- Verification of Concurrent Systems (WS 2012/13)
- Informatics III - Automata Theory and Formal Languages (WS 2012/13)
- Hauptseminar (MAS and AI) (WS 2012/13)
- Proseminar (MAS and AI) (WS 2012/13)
- Multi-Agent Systems II (SS 2012)
- Introduction to the Modelling and Analysis of Security Protocols (WS 2011/12)
- Complexity Theory (SS 2011)
- Artificial Intelligence (SS 2011)
- Seminar on AI (SS 2011)
- Modal Logics (WS 2010/11)
- Artificial Intelligence (SS 2010)
- Multi-Agent Systems II (SS 2010)
- Informatics III (WS 2009/10)
- Artificial Intelligence (SS 2009)
- Modal Logics (WS 2008/09)
- Hauptseminar (WS 2008/09)
- Proseminar (WS 2008/09)
- Artificial Intelligence (SS 2008)
- Seminars (Logics) (SS 2008)
- Complexity Theory (WS 2007/08)
- Artificial Intelligence (SS 2007)
- Hauptseminar (Logics and AI) (SS 2007)
- Proseminar (AI) (SS 2007)
- Informatics III (WS 2006/07)
- Artificial Intelligence (SS 2006)
- Hauptseminar (AI) (SS 2006)
- Proseminar (AI) (SS 2006)
International Teaching
- Introduction to the Modelling and Verification of, and Reasoning About Multi-Agent Systems at the 14th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS’12) in Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Together with Jürgen Dix.
- Logics and Multi-Agent Programming Languages at the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’12) in Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Together with Natasha Alechina, Mehdi Dastani and Brian Logan.
- Decision Problems and Decision Procedures for Strategic Logics at the 23rd European Summer School on Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI’11) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 2011. Together with Wojtek Jamroga.
- Model Checking Temporal and Strategic Logics at the 12th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS’10) in St. Etienne, France, August 2010.
- IPMasAr: Modelling Inference and Preferences in Multiagent Systems through Argumentation
- A General Framework for Reasoning about Plausible Behavior and Rational Agents
- Verification of Resource-Bounded Agents
- Verification of Communicating Rational Agents
PhD thesis
You can find an electronic version of my PhD thesis "Modelling and Verifying Abilities of Rational Agents" here.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dix
PhD Committee: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dix, PD Dr. habil. Wojciech Jamroga, Prof. Dr. Sarit Kraus, Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller (chair)